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Best Status Updates For Facebook Ever


Facebook is powered by an algorithm that is able to learn each user's preferences and interests. Then, the algorithm displays content like images, status updates, and videos posted by friends and businesses that the user might be interested in. The goal for Facebook is to get users to engage with, consume, and share content.

Best Status Updates For Facebook Ever

The main purpose of Facebook is to help friends and family connect with each other. And the best way to connect with your friends and family is by updating them about your life with status updates. To share a Facebook status, go to the text box at the top of your news feed page or on your profile page.

Facebook has, without a doubt, become the most popular social network in the world. While I'm cheering on Google + just like lots of you are, I don't think I'll ever quit checking on the Facebook status updates of my family and friends - at least, not unless they leave Facebook in droves. That's not likely to happen anytime soon.

One thing that I've noticed when I talk to friends that initially start using Facebook is that "nobody comments on my wall." Sometimes, I'll even try to help them out by letting them show me their Facebook wall and trying to help them understand what they're doing wrong, and why people may not feel encouraged to comment on their status updates.

Sometimes, it's just a matter of reciprocating. People expect that friends and family will flock to their wall after every status update. The truth is that most people only check out your wall when you've commented in theirs - so if you never comment on anyone's wall, how can you expect them to remember to comment on yours?

Beyond that though, I have noticed through the years that there really are certain types of Facebook status updates that do particularly well in gathering comments. These are the polar opposite of the sort of things Craig listed as annoying Facebook updates. I think these really boil down to human nature - people are inspired to respond to certain types of comments, and these status updates seem to encourage that.

I would say one of the most popular status updates where you'll usually get instant reactions are those where you offer "breaking news" that people won't find anywhere else. This may be something that you personally experienced that has hit the mainstream news, or just something really unique or surprising that happened to you that would shock people.

I've seen people get carried away with trying to be cool and edgy by constantly posting really strange updates where very few people have any idea what they're talking about. Guess what - if you have an inside joke with a few select friends, you're only going to get a response from those few friends. Want to include everyone? Post a random question that implies there's more of a story to come if they reply.

A Facebook status is a feature that allows users to post and share a small amount of content on their profile, on their friends' walls and in Facebook news feeds. A user's Facebook status may be updated using the "Update Status" bar that appears at the top of the user's homepage and profile page. User's often use this space for updates about their day or to post clever quips; website, video and photos can also be shared this way.

A Facebook status update is generally designed to be short and provide some information without going into too much detail. Status updates have gained a place in popular culture as a new form of literary expression and many websites have emerged to publicize funny or clever updates.

Status updates can be shared among all friends, to a select group or to individuals. Many users also "tag" other friends in photos and messages so that Facebook will alert them that they have been mentioned. A users' friends can comment, like and sometimes share their friends' status updates. Users may also adjust their account privacy settings to determine who can see their updates.

Hello everyone, as all of you know that always comes with amazing best quotes, captions or creative ideas for social sites. Today we will give the top 120+ best status for Facebook which will surely emphasize you to put on Facebook. When I was writing this post the one thing which came in my mind is that why people need this best status for Facebook? I will tell you. See Also: Love Captions

These best Statuses for Facebook Status in English mainly used whenever you want to share your feelings in front of your friends via Facebook. Lots of People Mainly Search for the Best Facebook Status in English for Photos. We certainly have the best collection of these Facebook statuses in English for Picture captions.

Welcome to the page with awesome and funny ideas for your next status update on Facebook. Here you can find some really cool and inspiring quotes and saying to share on Facebook and make your friends laugh. Why just post boring stuff on your wall when you can update your network with something fresh and cool like these status ideas below? Make their day, share these updates.

And now let's move to the topic of this paragraph again. How to use these quotes to expand your network and drive more traffic to your affiliate products and stores. I started with Facebook and Twitter and then use some other networks to and I really saw an increase in my earnings. So I'm talking here based on my own experiences and reports. Just post them! Share these status updates on your social networks and then include the link of some product or store. You can't imagine how much visibility you'll got. Post some status on Twitter, include some related hastags and some shortened affiliate link of yours. If you have some followers they will retweet your update and their friends will retweet it if they'll like it. These things go global pretty soon :) Sooner or later you'll have your affiliate links on dozens of Twitter profiles and others will promote your links for you! It's that simple and it really works! Second best things is that you will expose your Twitter profile and gain followers for your updates and promotions in the future!

But in a nod to the problems it faced this year, Facebook did say in its memology blog post that all personally identifiable information was removed from status updates during the year-end data mining exercise. The company also said no one at Facebook ready actual status updates in compiling this list.

Most people know that there is a limit on the length of a tweet (although not everybody knows that Twitter doubled that length a while back to 280 characters). Although other social media character limits may not be so explicit, they too generally limit the length of your social media posts. In this post, we look at each of the leading social media networks, establish any set limits, and discuss the best length for a social media post.

LinkedIn is more text-based than most of the other social networks. This is partly because of its role as a centralized resume. However, you still make status updates on LinkedIn, just like any other social network. And just like the others, short performs best on LinkedIn.

Recent changes to the LinkedIn algorithm have discriminated against status updates that share links. This has encouraged more people to use LinkedIn Publishing to create entire blog posts on the platform.

Many studies have found that a Facebook status that has about 40-80 characters perform best. As a matter of fact, an Express Writers Infographic found that posts that are only about 40 characters (or even fewer) generate 86% more engagement than longer posts.

Average Reach for status updates was about 2,400 while it was just under 1,250 for photos. Status updates were reaching an average of 1,635 fans while photos reached only 761. Even when using medians, the difference was close to double.

I see virtually no difference in engagement between status updates and photos of similar content. That tells me one of two things regarding the Reach numbers, which are double in favor of status updates:

well, it worked the first 20 mins, then i added another twitter app to my PAGE (im in a band and wanted to be able to tweet from MY twitter to MY status updates, and then log in to the BAND twitter and tweet to my PAGE (band page)and thats when it all stopped working ?

Hi Thomas,I set up Twitter to update FaceBook status a long time ago. The app that I set up was a previous version of the one now out there, but it still works for the profile updates. I now want to have it update the page too, but the old app isn't like the one you display. I don't know how to set it up for the page. Do I have to undo the Twitter app and re apply the newer app? Will it do the page and the profile?

Facebook allows you to send messages and post status updates to keep in touch with friends and family. You can also share different types of content, like photos and links. But sharing something on Facebook is a bit different from other types of online communication. Unlike email or instant messaging, which are relatively private, the things you share on Facebook are more public, which means they'll usually be seen by many other people.

Facebook limits status updates to 420 characters. You have three choices if you would like to bypass the character limit, including include posting a website link with your post, using the "Notes" feature and continuing your status update in the Comments section.

Log in to Facebook and click the "Update Status" link near the top of the account home page. A box expands below the link. Insert a link into the box marked "What's On Your Mind?" and type your status update message after the link. There is no character limit status updates with links. Click the "Post" button when done.

Type "My Notes" in the search box at the top of the page. Click the "My Notes" app listing from the drop-down search results that appear. On the next screen, click the "Write a Note" button. Notes are different than status updates, but get posted to your friends' news feed and your profile. When the user clicks the note link, he can view the entire message without limits. To post a note, type your message in the "Body" section, give it a title and click the "Publish" button. 2ff7e9595c

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